
How do creative ideas spark in our minds? Do they just come “OUT OF THE BLUE”?

Drawing inspiration from the mystical muses of Ancient Greece, the 'OUT OF THE BLUE' exhibition is a contemporary reimagining of this rich cultural heritage. Held in September 2019 at the END OF THE LINE gallery, presented by AARHUSMAKERS, at the Ovartaci Fields satellite museum in Skejby Business Park, Aarhus, this exhibition offered a unique blend of tradition and modernity.

Project supported by: AARHUSMAKERS , Aarhus Kommune, FabLab Spinderihallerne Vejle / 2019

Collaboration with Ola Mirecka (IGLO Project) 

‘Out Of The Blue’  | Creative Direction 

Invited by Ola Mirecka to collaborate on the project, I joined her in creating a shared vision for our exhibition. Our creative journey retained the essence of Ancient Culture as a source of inspiration, using flashes of creativity to guide our design process. The exhibition's aesthetic combined the contrasting shapes and illustrative characteristics of both of us, resulting in a captivating visual narrative.

'OUT OF THE BLUE' was more than just an art exhibition; it served as an inspirational hub, fostering social interaction in the surroundings of the Skejby Hospital. Visitors had the opportunity to participate in creative interventions both within the gallery as part of in-situ workshops and at the public library in town.

‘Muse Mask’ / Co-creation  

Find your innere muse! Is it salami or your uncle’s bushy eyebrows?  Here everything is inspiring.

As a prelude to the exhibition, a pop-up intervention was created at the public library, DOKK1. The 'MUSE MASK' workshop introduced guests to a substitute for Ancient Greek culture – theater. Muses, the mythological embodiments of inspiration, and masks, as tools of self-expression, converged in a word-association game and the creation of colorful cut-out masks, allowing participants to visualize their personal inspirational journey in an abstract way.

‘Ugly Tiles’ / Co-creation  

Let’s have a bad taste afternoon!

In an effort to challenge the pursuit of perfection and encourage creative freedom, the 'MANUFACTURE OF UGLY TILES' workshop was offered during the exhibition. Visitors engaged in a 'bad taste afternoon,' breaking down conventional beauty standards by crafting unique bathroom tiles from discarded plastic CD covers, tiny stones, and biodegradable, hand-made clay.

‘Cool Columns!’ / Personal Project
‘Cool Columns!’ ~ as an akward commant complementing women legs

The 'COOL COLUMNS' collection showcased an array of fine objects that celebrated the ancient approach to bathing as a leisurely experience. Organic soaps infused with therapeutic oils served as sensory entertainment for body and mind. An organic shower curtain and abstract illustrations, created with a blue postman's pen, reflected an appreciation for nature's beauty and geometric elegance. 


By embracing creative ideas and celebrating the unconventional, 'OUT OF THE BLUE' offered a captivating journey through the intersection of ancient inspiration and contemporary design.